BleedingHeartRemedy: We can live like Jack and Sally if we wanted.....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

We can live like Jack and Sally if we wanted.....

So, this has been a crazy year for me.

I mean, REAL CRAZY!!!
But I think i've finally stopped being stubborn and difficult.
And am becoming a stronger, young, dare I say, Woman.
For those of you that don't know a whole lot about me.
I've got a boyfriend. And we've had some ups and downs
with life and our relationship. But a lot's happened the 
past 2 weeks and  I know and see that he's the only one
for me. We've been together for almost 3 years. 
He's my first boyfriend and first long term boyfriend at that.
And I went on this path to "find" myself or see if it was for sure
what I really wanted. Things are hard when u're with someone 
for so long you start doubting things or want to look elsewhere.
But i think that's the problem with some relationships, we start
looking elsewhere when most likely, what we've always wanted is
right in front of us. And I see that for sure now. :) Anyway, i'm happy
and my life is a work in progress just like everyone else's. 


wimpCheese said...

awww how sweet. makes me feel all warm and gushy inside. i kinda like it.

It's offie talking about stuff. said...

that must be nice to be able to come to such a conclusion with someone you love.

i dunno if i have met you i know a bunch of people at SCAD. check out my website,